Sentence Completion - Test-06

Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentences meaning fully complete.

1. Shailendra ...... to a ...... love for drugs.

2. The construction of the hall has been ...... because of the ...... of cement in the market.

3. It is the primary duty of any party elected to rule to ...... stability and defence of the country and protect it both from internal and external ......

4. Since we ...... read every book, we ...... only the famous ones.

5. Knowing that Renu had a good vocabulary, the teacher ...... her to ...... an essay for the inter school competition.

6. Our youth and others have ...... to drugs not only because their friends ...... social pressures but also because escape with drugs is so complete and swift.

7. It is ...... that those who expect ...... from others are seldom merciful themselves.

8. Mr. Johnson ...... a boat and ...... into the bay.

9. An ...... facet of the Soviet perestroika is the search for a sweeping ...... programme in foreign policy.

10. In architecture, much more than in any of the other arts, there is a marked time lag between the ...... of ideas and their ...... in the shape of completed buildings.

English Test

1. General Elementary English Test - 01
2. General Elementary English Test - 02
3. General Elementary English Test - 03
4. General Elementary English Test - 04
5. General Elementary English Test - 05
6. General Elementary English Test - 06
7. General Elementary English Test - 07
8. General Elementary English Test - 08
9. General Elementary English Test - 09
10. General Elementary English Test - 10
11. General Elementary English Test - 11
12. General Elementary English Test - 12
13. General Elementary English Test - 13
14. General Elementary English Test - 14
15. General Elementary English Test - 15
16. General Elementary English Test - 16
17. General Elementary English Test - 17
18. General Elementary English Test - 18
19. General Elementary English Test - 19
20. General Elementary English Test - 20

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Townsend Speakman of Philadelphia mixed fruit flavor with soda water in 1807, creating the first flavored soda pop, he called it Nephite Julep.      .. More >>
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