
Word Search :

1.cause to become desynchronized

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Word of the Day

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  • desynchronization
  • desynchronise
  • desynchronisation
  • desultory
  • desuetude
  • destructiveness
  • destructively
  • destructive-metabolic
  • destructive metabolism
  • destructive distillation
  • desynchronizing
  • desyrel
  • detach
  • detachable
  • detached
  • detached house
  • detached retina
  • detachment
  • detachment of the retina
  • detail
  • woodcock snipe
  • traditionalism
  • lysogenization
  • herd's grass
  • periodically
  • mp
  • alimentative
  • skanky
  • paralegal
  • heart-lung machine

  • Idiom of the Day

    to boot
    in addition, also
    Our hot water tank is not working and to boot our kitchen stove is also having problems.

    Part of the ongoing training is to ensure that a regular time and place are ________ for department heads to meet their staff.

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    A man who experimented with feeding a Venus flytrap – a type of flesh-eating plant – with bits of his own flesh found the plant could digest it easily. He used bits of his toes that had rotted and dropped off as a result of athlete's foot.      .. More >>
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