
Word Search :

1.cause to become detached or separated
2.military use: separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment
3.come to be detached

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Word of the Day

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  • desyrel
  • desynchronizing
  • desynchronize
  • desynchronization
  • desynchronise
  • desynchronisation
  • desultory
  • desuetude
  • destructiveness
  • destructively
  • detachable
  • detached
  • detached house
  • detached retina
  • detachment
  • detachment of the retina
  • detail
  • detail file
  • detailed
  • detailing
  • pomacentrus leucostictus
  • oriolus
  • hypotonia
  • copernican
  • tefillin
  • wolf's milk
  • cancer magister
  • blacklist
  • dutch iris
  • flexor muscle

  • Idiom of the Day

    throw out (someone) or throw (someone) out
    to force someone to leave, to dismiss someone
    The umpire threw out the coach for arguing with him.

    In winter months there is always a ________ of catching cold.

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