
Word Search :

1.an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
2.a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area
3.a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote) franchise v.
1.grant a franchise to

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Word of the Day

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  • franche-comte
  • francesco petrarca
  • frances wright
  • frances hodgson burnett
  • frances elizabeth caroline willard
  • frances eliza hodgson burnett
  • france
  • franc-tireur
  • franc
  • framing
  • franchise tax
  • francis albert sinatra
  • francis bacon
  • francis beaumont
  • francis crick
  • francis drake
  • francis edgar stanley
  • francis everett townsend
  • francis ferdinand
  • francis ford coppola
  • avoidable
  • john joseph pershing
  • lamellicornia
  • background level
  • simon marks
  • southwesterly
  • depolarisation
  • meadow lily
  • latin cross
  • green ash

  • Idiom of the Day

    let the chips fall where they may
    to not worry about the results of your actions
    I will worry about whether the company will go bankrupt or not. I will let the chips fall where they may.

    S1: The commonest form of forgetfulness, I suppose, occurs in the matter of posting letters.
    S6: Weary of holding it in my hand, I then put it for safety into one of my pockets and forget all about it.

    P: So common is it that I am always reluctant to trust a departing visitor to post an important letter.
    Q: As for myself, anyone who asks me to post a letter is a poor judge of character.
    R: Even if I carry the letter in my hand I am always past the first pillar box before I remember that I ought to have posted it.
    S: So little I rely on his mem?,ry that I put him on his oath before handing the letter to him.

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