
Word Search :

1.a protective drip that is made of stone

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Word of the Day

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  • hoodmold
  • hoodlum
  • hooded skunk
  • hooded sheldrake
  • hooded seal
  • hooded pitcher plant
  • hooded merganser
  • hooded ladies' tresses
  • hooded coat
  • hooded cloak
  • hoodoo
  • hoodooism
  • hoodwink
  • hooey
  • hoof
  • hoof it
  • hoof mark
  • hoof-and-mouth disease
  • hoof-mark
  • hoofed
  • symbiosis
  • nursing aide
  • genus nerodia
  • kieslowski
  • major power
  • contract offer
  • philosophical doctrine
  • snowball
  • plug fuse
  • sobersides

  • Idiom of the Day

    Get lost!
    Go away!
    The girl told her brother to get lost so she could finish doing her homework.

    At the interview all the candidates were shown round the building but could only really catch a ________ of the sort of work being carried out.

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