
Word Search :

1.relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area
2.of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood
3.affecting only a restricted part or area of the body local n.
1.public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops
2.anesthetic that numbs a local area of the body

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Word of the Day

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  • lobworm
  • lobule
  • lobularity
  • lobularia maritima
  • lobularia
  • lobular
  • lobsterman
  • lobsterback
  • lobster-backed
  • lobster thermidor
  • local anaesthesia
  • local anaesthetic
  • local anesthesia
  • local anesthetic
  • local area network
  • local authority
  • local call
  • local department
  • local government
  • local option
  • diseased
  • smilax rotundifolia
  • althea rosea
  • take five
  • old world white pelican
  • six-membered
  • sleeve
  • siddhartha
  • protractedly
  • aegean

  • Idiom of the Day

    get (something) under control
    to be able to control something
    The fire fighters were quickly able to get the fire under control.

    S1: We are living in an age in which technology has suddenly 'annihilated distance'.
    S6: In that event, we should be dooming ourselves to wipe each other out.

    P: Are We going to let this consciousness of our variety make us fear and hate each other?
    Q: Physically we are now all neighbours, but psychologically we are still strangers to each other.
    R: How are we going to react?
    S: We have never been so conscious of our variety as we are now that we have come to such close quarters.

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