
Word Search :
local anesthesia

1.loss of sensation in a small area of the body (as when a local anesthetic is injected for a tooth extraction)

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Word of the Day

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  • local anaesthetic
  • local anaesthesia
  • local
  • lobworm
  • lobule
  • lobularity
  • lobularia maritima
  • lobularia
  • lobular
  • lobsterman
  • local anesthetic
  • local area network
  • local authority
  • local call
  • local department
  • local government
  • local option
  • local oscillator
  • local post office
  • local road
  • flat tire
  • truculency
  • risotto
  • over-the-hill
  • rodentia
  • crt
  • genus kiggelaria
  • nazimova
  • chalaza
  • causal

  • Idiom of the Day

    in terms of (something)
    with regard to something
    In terms of our agreement with the other company we were not allowed to sell our products online.

    Go ________ the path.

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