
Word Search :

1.possession of controlling influence
2.(physics) the rate of doing work
3.possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
4.a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
5.(of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power
6.one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority
7.physical strength
8.a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
9.a very wealthy or powerful businessman power v.
1.supply the force or power for the functioning of

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Word of the Day

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  • powell
  • powdery mildew
  • powdery
  • powderpuff
  • powderize
  • powderise
  • powderiness
  • powderer
  • powdered sugar
  • powdered mustard
  • power breakfast
  • power broker
  • power cable
  • power company
  • power cord
  • power couple
  • power dive
  • power drill
  • power failure
  • power grid
  • quirkiness
  • heavens
  • goer
  • bahia grass
  • tubby
  • swellhead
  • ramadan
  • stock symbol
  • oregon maple
  • vitamin g

  • Idiom of the Day

    betwixt and between
    to be undecided, to be between two decisions
    We were betwixt and between in our effort to decide which school to send our child to.

    I saw it with ________ own eyes.

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