TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 04

TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test
General English Grammar Questions and Answers

1. The train was late. ________ I managed to reach in time.

2. I ________ her since 1990.

3. The giraffe is an ungainly animal ________ it has such a long neck.

4. The kettle ________. Shall I make tree?

5. ________ a child’s character is shaped by the circumstances at home.

6. I am not sure if we can afford a big home like that. ________, I intend to buy it.

7. The British may have done some good in India. ________ Colonialism is basically bad.

8. He has been warned before. ________, he should not have committed the same offence again.

9. Mary didn’t get the best medical attention. ________, she died soon after.

10. Water ________ at 100 Celsius.

English Test

1. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 05
2. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 06
3. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 07
4. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 08
5. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 09
6. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 10
7. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 11
8. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 12
9. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 13
10. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 14
11. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 15
12. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 16
13. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 17
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15. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 19
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17. Antonym Test - 02
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Year : 1954      .. More >>
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