Homonyms Test - 01

Homonyms - Vocabulary Questions and Answers.

1. The Queen ________ the Prime Minister good bye at the end of their meeting.

2. To ________ is human. To forgive is divine.

3. The hockey players were ________ from the club because of their behavior.

4. What do you get if you ________ two plus two?

5. One of the most hard-working of all insects is the ________.

6. Are you ________ dressed?

7. She is not ________ bad.

8. She winked her ________ at her husband.

9. He took out an ________ in the newspaper to look for a room mate.

10. He was released from jail after he posted $50,000 ________.

English Test

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2. Homonyms Test - 03
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4. Homonyms Test - 05
5. Homonyms Test - 06
6. Homonyms Test - 07
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9. Homonyms Test - 10
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