ESL-EFL Test - 11

Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles for English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), Teaching EFL (TEFL), Test of EFL (TOEFL), English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), Teaching ESOL (TESOL), TOEIC.

1. He speaks ________ a politician, but he's a hairdresser

2. He spent a lot of time ________ the swimming pool

3. He took the book ________ the shelf

4. He showed ________ an hour late for the meeting.

5. He took the papers ________ of his briefcase

6. He tried to prevent the dogs ________ fighting

7. He spent ages ________ out the answer

8. He realised that his wallet had been ________ after he'd left the underground

9. He rarely goes ________ church

10. He said it with a ________ grin.

English Test

1. ESL-EFL Test - 12
2. ESL-EFL Test - 13
3. ESL-EFL Test - 14
4. ESL-EFL Test - 15
5. ESL-EFL Test - 16
6. ESL-EFL Test - 17
7. ESL-EFL Test - 18
8. ESL-EFL Test - 19
9. ESL-EFL Test - 20
10. ESL-EFL Test - 21
11. ESL-EFL Test - 22
12. ESL-EFL Test - 23
13. ESL-EFL Test - 24
14. ESL-EFL Test - 25
15. ESL-EFL Test - 26
16. ESL-EFL Test - 27
17. ESL-EFL Test - 28
18. ESL-EFL Test - 29
19. ESL-EFL Test - 30
20. ESL-EFL Test - 31

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Pac-Man, Namco's 1979 arcade game, was originally called Puck Man. The name was changed when they realized that vandals could easily scratch out part of the letter P.      .. More >>
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