Sentence Completion - Test-04

Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentences meaning fully complete.

1. Public sector units running at a loss should be given the option to be ...... to the highest bidder with a golden handshake for employees or to be converted into workers' cooperatives with workers holding ...... ownership.

2. Conditions in the country have grown so ...... that many refugees have risked death to ......

3. We do not ...... our dreams because they do not ...... with our perceptions of waking life.

4. I would like to ...... your attention to the second paragraph of my letter ...... to the terms of sale of the machinery.

5. They wanted to ...... all these books, but they could not find ...... time to do so.

6. Ravi ...... a bit ...... he was not invited by his friend to attend the party.

7. Civilisation, in the real sense of the term consists not in the ...... but in the deliberate and voluntary ...... of wants.

8. How many of the books published each year in India make a ...... contribution towards improving men's ...... with each other?

9. The ...... of glory lead but to the ......

10. He shifted to his late parents' house not because of the ...... it provided but for purely ...... reasons.

English Test

1. Sentence Completion - Test-05
2. Sentence Completion - Test-06
3. General Elementary English Test - 01
4. General Elementary English Test - 02
5. General Elementary English Test - 03
6. General Elementary English Test - 04
7. General Elementary English Test - 05
8. General Elementary English Test - 06
9. General Elementary English Test - 07
10. General Elementary English Test - 08
11. General Elementary English Test - 09
12. General Elementary English Test - 10
13. General Elementary English Test - 11
14. General Elementary English Test - 12
15. General Elementary English Test - 13
16. General Elementary English Test - 14
17. General Elementary English Test - 15
18. General Elementary English Test - 16
19. General Elementary English Test - 17
20. General Elementary English Test - 18

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