Now you Know

14171. Phobia
Phobia :
demophobia : fear of crowds. (agoraphobia).

14172. Phobia
Phobia :
dendrophobia : fear of trees.

14173. Phobia
Phobia :
dentophobia : fear of dentists.

14174. Phobia
Phobia :
dermatophobia : fear of skin lesions.

14175. Phobia
Phobia :
dermatosiophobia or dermatophobia or dermatopathophobia : fear of skin disease.

14176. Phobia
Phobia :
dextrophobia : fear of objects at the right side of the body.

14177. Phobia
Phobia :
diabetophobia : fear of diabetes.

14178. Phobia
Phobia :
didaskaleinophobia : fear of going to school.

14179. Phobia
Phobia :
dikephobia : fear of justice.

14180. Phobia
Phobia :
dinophobia : fear of dizziness or whirlpools.

14181. Phobia
Phobia :
diplophobia : fear of double vision.

14182. Phobia
Phobia :
dipsophobia : fear of drinking.

14183. Phobia
Phobia :
dishabiliophobia : fear of undressing in front of someone.

14184. Phobia
Phobia :
domatophobia : fear of houses or being in a house.(eicophobia, oikophobia).

14185. Phobia
Phobia :
doraphobia : fear of fur or skins of animals.

14186. Phobia
Phobia :
doxophobia : fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.

14187. Phobia
Phobia :
dromophobia : fear of crossing streets.

14188. Phobia
Phobia :
dutchphobia : fear of the dutch.

14189. Phobia
Phobia :
dysmorphophobia : fear of deformity.

14190. Phobia
Phobia :
dystychiphobia : fear of accidents.


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In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts. So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them mind their own pints and quarts and settle down. It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's".      .. More >>
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