TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 03

TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test
General English Grammar Questions and Answers

1. I managed to do ________ in the test despite not feeling ________.

2. I have invited John and Peter. ________ Harry, I don’t care whether he comes or not.

3. She held the bag ________ even though her arm hurt ________.

4. Alice says that she has already ________ the table.

5. She was given the best treatment; ________ she died soon after.

6. ________ as quickly as possible, she managed to arrive in time.

7. There were ________ children in the class than expected.

8. ________ circumstances arise that work becomes available, we shall tell you.

9. My aunt gave me a necklace ________ I was very thankful.

10. Will you ________ the good tennis balls from the worn ones.

English Test

1. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 04
2. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 05
3. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 06
4. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 07
5. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 08
6. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 09
7. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 10
8. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 11
9. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 12
10. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 13
11. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 14
12. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 15
13. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 16
14. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 17
15. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 18
16. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 19
17. Antonym Test - 01
18. Antonym Test - 02
19. Antonym Test - 03
20. Antonym Test - 04

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