Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 08

Vocabulary Examination - Sentence Completion
These tests improve your vocabulary, ability to follow the internal logic of sentences and elimination skill process.

1. My parents always seem to worry and ________ more about money when tax season is approaching.

2. Patrick, who was always joking, added ________ to the formal dinner, which his sedate employer did not appreciate.

3. Samantha had an ________ trust in her grandfather, who was an honorable man and kind to everyone he met.

4. Nina called the humane society when she saw her neighbor ________ his dog.

5. Philbert’s ________ manner fit in well with the atmosphere of the posh country club.

6. Jason’s ________ approach to management included narrowing the salary gap between the CEOs and office workers.

7. Moving swiftly and gracefully through the backyard, the cat suddenly ________ when she hit the thorny bush.

8. Acting in the high school play served to ________ Ander’s appetite for professional acting.

9. Keith was ________ in his giving to friends and charities throughout the year, not just during the holidays.

10. The new actress’s talents were severely ________ by the local critics; she went on to be a distinguished member of a well-respected acting company.

English Test

1. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 09
2. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 10
3. Synonyms - Test-25
4. Synonyms - Test-26
5. Synonyms - Test-27
6. Antonym Test - 11
7. Antonym Test - 12
8. Antonym Test - 13
9. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 01
10. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 02
11. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 03
12. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 04
13. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 05
14. Antonym Test - 14
15. Antonym Test - 15
16. Antonym Test - 16
17. Antonym Test - 17
18. Synonyms - Test-28
19. Synonyms - Test-29
20. Synonyms - Test-30

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