Synonyms - Test-25

Pick the correct synonyms.

1. pompous

2. exigent

3. aegis

4. mirth

5. appall

6. impugn

7. mundane

8. fraud

9. charisma

10. wretched

English Test

1. Synonyms - Test-26
2. Synonyms - Test-27
3. Antonym Test - 11
4. Antonym Test - 12
5. Antonym Test - 13
6. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 01
7. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 02
8. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 03
9. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 04
10. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 05
11. Antonym Test - 14
12. Antonym Test - 15
13. Antonym Test - 16
14. Antonym Test - 17
15. Synonyms - Test-28
16. Synonyms - Test-29
17. Synonyms - Test-30
18. Synonyms - Test-31
19. Homonyms Test - 01
20. Homonyms Test - 02

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