Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 02

Vocabulary Test - Pick the correct synonyms / antonyms.

1. culmination is most similar to

2. lambent is most dissimilar to

3. inept is most opposite to

4. abolish is most dissimilar to

5. resolve most nearly means

6. obtuse is most opposite to

7. epitome is most similar to

8. pitched is most similar to

9. rancor is most dissimilar to

10. apropos is most similar to

English Test

1. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 03
2. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 04
3. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 05
4. Antonym Test - 14
5. Antonym Test - 15
6. Antonym Test - 16
7. Antonym Test - 17
8. Synonyms - Test-28
9. Synonyms - Test-29
10. Synonyms - Test-30
11. Synonyms - Test-31
12. Homonyms Test - 01
13. Homonyms Test - 02
14. Homonyms Test - 03
15. Homonyms Test - 04
16. Homonyms Test - 05
17. Homonyms Test - 06
18. Homonyms Test - 07
19. Homonyms Test - 08
20. Homonyms Test - 09

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