Sentence Completion - Test-01

Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentences meaning fully complete.

1. It is now a proven fact that ...... of child mortality is the best ...... for family planning in developing countries.

2. Bandung ...... the ...... of a new and powerful body of opinion which could not be ignored by the great writers.

3. The hot tropical climate created a climate of ...... and encouraged ......

4. He is usually ...... , but today he appears rather ......

5. We have criticized our university students for preferring the security of political silence. and the safety of ...... to the excitement of social ...... and humanitarian action.

6. Foreign multinationals may be ...... in implementing the infrastructural plan on c6ndition of introducing labour intensive techniques which generate a minimum ...... level of rural employment.

7. India's ...... armoury needs replacement despite its long-term indigenisation plans and leading international arms industries are eager to sell their latest ...... to the Indian Armed Forces.

8. We ...... him with many promises, but nothing would ...... him.

9. He gave me an additional ...... of Rs. 200 a month by ...... of the Commissioner.

10. Though this is undoubtedly the greatest dictionary ever ...... , it is designed for scholars and research workers rather than for the ...... dictionary user.

English Test

1. Sentence Completion - Test-02
2. Sentence Completion - Test-03
3. Sentence Completion - Test-04
4. Sentence Completion - Test-05
5. Sentence Completion - Test-06
6. General Elementary English Test - 01
7. General Elementary English Test - 02
8. General Elementary English Test - 03
9. General Elementary English Test - 04
10. General Elementary English Test - 05
11. General Elementary English Test - 06
12. General Elementary English Test - 07
13. General Elementary English Test - 08
14. General Elementary English Test - 09
15. General Elementary English Test - 10
16. General Elementary English Test - 11
17. General Elementary English Test - 12
18. General Elementary English Test - 13
19. General Elementary English Test - 14
20. General Elementary English Test - 15

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