Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 03

Vocabulary Examination - Sentence Completion
These tests improve your vocabulary, ability to follow the internal logic of sentences and elimination skill process.

1. The dress Ariel wore ________ with small, glassy beads, creating a shimmering effect.

2. The ________ instinct of a watchdog is to attack strangers who enter its home.

3. Tonya found Isaac’s public declarations of his love for her ________ and embarrassing.

4. After the powerful windstorm, Marie discovered a splintered and fallen tree limb had ________ the vinyl lining of her swimming pool.

5. The architect designed the ceiling using wood ________ that would remain uncovered, creating a rustic ambience in the living room.

6. Blaine had a tendency to ________ certain details of his evenings out when he didn’t want his parents to know where he had been.

7. The swimmer’s back injury ________ his prospects for a gold medal at the world championship competition.

8. The catlike movements of the sneaky ________ served him well when he picked pockets among the tourists on the crowded boardwalk.

9. The risk of cheating on the test was not worth the possible ________ of failing the class.

10. Although it was supposed to be written for the general public, the report was so ________ that only those with inside knowledge of government workings could understand it.

English Test

1. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 04
2. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 05
3. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 06
4. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 07
5. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 08
6. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 09
7. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 10
8. Synonyms - Test-25
9. Synonyms - Test-26
10. Synonyms - Test-27
11. Antonym Test - 11
12. Antonym Test - 12
13. Antonym Test - 13
14. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 01
15. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 02
16. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 03
17. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 04
18. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 05
19. Antonym Test - 14
20. Antonym Test - 15

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