Sentence Completion - Test-03

Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentences meaning fully complete.

1. The partners broke off. as they found each other ...... of ...... breach of promise.

2. There are attempts being made to try to ...... languages- through specific ...... , but the result is that some tongues become conserved as if they were a museum piece.

3. The factory workers ...... threatened to launch an indefinite strike from next month to ...... their demands.

4. In a free and democratic country each and every person has rights as well as duties and it is of ...... importance that everything is ...... in the right perspective.

5. Mr. Rajesh ...... his wife that he would take ...... action to set right his erring son.

6. He was too ...... to ...... that he had been wrong.

7. We must explore ...... sources of energy as our supply of fossil fuel has been ......

8. The teacher told Kailash, "You should ...... this paragraph to make the essay more ...... "

9. Leisure must be spent carefully and ...... only, otherwise the devil Will take the ...... of you.

10. It is indeed ...... that 40 years after independence, we have failed to ...... a suitable education or examination system.

English Test

1. Sentence Completion - Test-04
2. Sentence Completion - Test-05
3. Sentence Completion - Test-06
4. General Elementary English Test - 01
5. General Elementary English Test - 02
6. General Elementary English Test - 03
7. General Elementary English Test - 04
8. General Elementary English Test - 05
9. General Elementary English Test - 06
10. General Elementary English Test - 07
11. General Elementary English Test - 08
12. General Elementary English Test - 09
13. General Elementary English Test - 10
14. General Elementary English Test - 11
15. General Elementary English Test - 12
16. General Elementary English Test - 13
17. General Elementary English Test - 14
18. General Elementary English Test - 15
19. General Elementary English Test - 16
20. General Elementary English Test - 17

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