➲ A first-person personal pronoun refers to the one (or ones) speaking.
The singular first-person pronouns are I, me, my, and mine. The plural
first-person personal pronouns are we, our, ours, and us.
We told our story.
I offered my opinion to the reporters.
Ours is the less expensive model.
The new family moved next door to us.
➲ A second-person personal pronoun refers to the one (or ones)
spoken to. The singular and plural second-person personal pronouns
are the same three words—you, your, and yours.
Can you bring your book back here today?
The present will be given to you.
This award is yours.
➲ The third-person personal pronoun is the one (or ones) spoken
about. The singular third-person personal pronouns include he, his,
him, she, her, hers, it, and its. The plural third-person personal pronouns
include they, their, theirs, and them.
He and she wanted to take their children on a vacation.
They asked him and her if the house had kept its appeal.
Do you think that they will think that this car is theirs?