Albums (Abbey Road, Grease)
Awards (Emmys®, Oscars®)
Bodies of water (Atlantic Ocean, Lake Superior)
Books (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the Bible)
Buildings and other structures (the Taj Mahal, Empire State Building)
Businesses (Moe’s Greeting Cards, Tom’s Beverage)
Car models (Toyota Camry, Nissan Sentra)
CD’s (Nannie’s Tunes, Three Famous Composers)
Chapters and other parts of a book (‘‘My Life,’’ ‘‘Soccer’’)
Cities (Fresno, Tallahassee)
Comic strips (Peanuts, For Better or Worse)
Computer programs (Microsoft Word, Excel)
Constellations (Aquarius, Libra)
Continents (Africa, Asia)
Counties (Norfolk, Dade)
Countries (Spain, Ireland)
Days (Thursday, Saturday)
Essays (‘‘Self Reliance,’’ ‘‘The Philosophy of Composition’’)
Family names (Uncle John, Cousin Moe)
Galaxies (Milky Way, Andromeda)
Governmental bodies (U.S. Senate, Department of the Interior)
Historical documents (Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution)
Historical events and periods (Battle of Bunker Hill, the Renaissance)
Holidays (Labor Day, Fourth of July)
Holy days (Ramadan, Yom Kippur)
Institutions (Marquette University, City College of New York)
Islands (Aruba, Crete)
Months (January, December)
Monuments (Mount Rushmore, Lincoln Memorial)
Mountains (Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains)
Movies (Rocky, The Outsiders)
Musical works (Dark Side of the Moon, If I Were a Rich Man)
Nationalities (Greek, Chinese)