Ordering of Sentences - Test-06

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: The distinction between state or sovereign and government is developed by Rousseau with utmost exactness and accuracy.
S6: Collectively, they may be called 'prence' or 'magistracy'.

P: While state denotes the community as a whole, created by social pact and manifesting itself in supreme general will, 'government' denotes merely the individual or group of individuals that is designated by the community to carry into effect the sovereign will.
Q: Government, to Rousseau, means executive power.
R: The individuals, to whom this power is assigned are the officers or the agents of the sovereign.
S: The goverrimeni is created not by any contract but by a decree of the sovereign, and its function is in no sense to make but e.ily to administer law.

2. S1: Ms. Subramaniam started a petrol pump in Madras.
S6: Thus she has shown the way for many others.

P: A total of twelve girls now work at the pump.
Q: She advertised in newspapers for women staff.
R: They operate in two shifts.
S: The response was good.

3. S1: India's non-alignment has not been an attitude of negative neutrality.
S6: This policy has been accepted, if not actually appreciated by the leading powers of the world.

P: In other words, it is not an aloofness from or indifference to other nations.
Q: Instead, it has been an attitude of constructive neutrality.
R: On the contrary, India has been taking a keen interest in all international developments.
S: India wants the goodwill of all nations and is hostile towards none.

4. S1: Those are fortunate people who have good, true and faithful hiends.
S6: It must be borne in mind that prosperity breeds and multiplies friends and adversity tests them.

P: It is a sacred attachment,or a bond of intimacy between two persons of a congenial mind.
Q: True friendship increases - our happiness in prosperity and diminishes our misery in adversity.
R: Friendship often . springs from similarity of taste, f~,elings and sentiments.
S: However, true friendship should be based on truth and such vices as selfishness, greed and falsehood should be kept out of it.

5. S1: Anything you do that gives you some form of regular exercise will benefit your heart.
S6: But do not push too hard; tune into the warning signals from your body.

P: In fact, never choose an activity just because it is good for you.
Q: By all means work up a good sweat, and even a thirst perhaps.
R: If you can, combine this with enjoyment, then so much' the better.
S: You will soon get bored of it.

6. S1: After the firing that evening the street that used to be full of people was completely deserted.
S6: I was so frightened that I ran for my life.

P: Nor were any windows open or lighted.
Q: Suddenly I detected a movement to my left.
R: There was no trace of any human being and all doors were firmly closed.
S: Surprisingly, even the stray dogs had disappeared.

7. S1: For a conversation to be stimulating and sustained, the participants must be active talkers as well as active listeners.
S6: Its better to paint the big picture first, and if your partner wantsto know more, you can always fill in with details.

P: This is usually unnecessary, confusing and even boring to your partner.
Q: Some people feel that they have to give long - winded explanations of their views.
R: Make a point of throwing the conversational ball to the other person after you have presented your ideas in an abridged form.
S: Be sure to do both in conversation.

8. 1: Religion is not a matter of mere dogmatic conformity.
S6: A man of that character is free from fear, free from hatred.

P: It is not merely going through the ritual prescribed to us.
Q: It is not a question of ceremonial piety.
R: Unless that kind of transformation occurs, you are not an authentically religious man.
S: It is the remaking of your own self, the transformation of your nature.

9. S1: The Third Five - Year Plan ran into rough weather from the very start.
S6: The government had to resort to devaluation of the rupee.

P: Large funds had to be diverted from development to defence.
Q: Food situation became critical and prices began to rise steep after the Indo - Pak conflict.
R: During this period, there was also the war with Pakistan in 1965.
S: There was the China War in 1962 which completely upset our economy.

10. S1: Let me elaborate a little on what I mean by a properly channelled scientific approach.
S6: And of course, there are soldiers, commandos, to say nothing of intelligence men, besides many others who do their bit to make a successful attack.

P: There are planners deciding the strategy.
Q: In a major war, there are several different operations involved.
R: There are complex issues involving kations between different commun nerve centres.
S: There are factories producing the required armaments.

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