
to have no money
I spent all of my money on my holiday and I am now broke.

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  • brush up on (something)
  • buck for (something)
  • buckle down and do (something)
  • bug (someone)
  • build (something) to order
  • build a fire under (someone)
  • build castles in the air/in Spain
  • build up (someone or something) or build (someone or something) up
  • build up to (something)
  • bull in a china shop
  • Idioms Quiz
  • take ill
  • make up one's face
  • snap at (someone)
  • keep one's chin up
  • no skin off one's nose
  • first and foremost
  • within reason
  • lay one's hands on (something)
  • earn one's keep
  • out of one's element

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