
rack one's brains
to try hard to think of something or remember something
I have been racking my brains all day trying to remember the man's name.

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  • racked with pain
  • rail at (someone) about (something)
  • rain (something) out or rain out (something)
  • rain cats and dogs
  • rain on (someone's) parade
  • rain or shine
  • raise a fuss
  • raise a hand against (someone or something)
  • raise a stink about (something)
  • raise an objection to (someone or something)
  • Idioms Quiz
  • on foot
  • in (someone's) clutches
  • hinge on (something)
  • make book on (something)
  • up a blind alley
  • by the dozen
  • fall into a trap
  • to one's name
  • give (someone) a hard time
  • make merry

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