
quake in one's boots
to be afraid, to shake from fear
I was quaking in my boots when my boss told me to come to his office.

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  • queer as a three-dollar bill
  • quick and dirty
  • quick as a flash
  • quick as a wink
  • quick as geased lightning
  • quick on the draw
  • quick on the trigger
  • quick on the uptake
  • quiet as a mouse
  • quite a (something)
  • Idioms Quiz
  • take a whack at (someone)
  • pull the wool over (someone's) eyes
  • ill will
  • run away with (something)
  • eat (something) up or eat up (something)
  • not half bad
  • play innocent
  • know a trick or two
  • small talk
  • burst at the seams

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    Toad-eaters were people employed by men selling medicine at fairs and markets.The toad-eater had to swallow a toad – supposed to be deadly poisonous – and then take the medicine.Their survival encouraged people to buy the medicine.They may or may not have actually swallowed the toads…      .. More >>
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