
had best (do something)
should do something, ought to do something
I had best go home soon as I want to get up early tomorrow morning.

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  • had better (do something)
  • hail from (somewhere)
  • hale and hearty
  • half the battle
  • half-baked
  • halfhearted
  • halfhearted about (someone or something)
  • ham it up
  • hammer (something) home or hammer home (something)
  • hammer away at (someone or something)
  • Idioms Quiz
  • weigh down on (someone)
  • put out (something) or put (something) out
  • the talk of (somewhere)
  • up and at 'em
  • dwell on (something)
  • enter one's mind
  • pick at (something)
  • put on one's thinking cap
  • ahead of the game
  • hold all the trump cards

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