
check in (to a motel/hotel)
to register at a motel or hotel
We arrived at the hotel and then checked in.

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  • check on (someone or something)
  • check out (of a motel/hotel)
  • check out (something) or check (something) out
  • check up on (someone or something)
  • cheek by jowl
  • cheer (someone) up or cheer up (someone)
  • cheer on (someone) or cheer (someone) on
  • chew out (someone) or chew (someone) out
  • chew the fat
  • chicken feed
  • Idioms Quiz
  • trouble oneself about (someone or something)
  • land up (somewhere or in some situation)
  • so long
  • not show one's face
  • have a hand in (something)
  • warm the cockles of one's heart
  • make good money
  • able to breathe easily again
  • have one's nose in (something)
  • make points with (someone)

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