
get (someone's) goat
to irritate someone
My friend is always getting my goat and I am tired of him.

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  • get (someone) down
  • get (something) off one's chest
  • get (something) out in the open
  • get (something) out of (something)
  • get (something) out of one's system
  • get (something) out of the way
  • get (something) over with
  • get (something) straight
  • get (something) through (someone's) thick skull
  • get (something) under control
  • Idioms Quiz
  • put down (someone) or put (someone) down
  • according to (someone or something)
  • so far, so good
  • set one's heart on (something)
  • hot and heavy
  • pep talk
  • pick over (something) or pick (something) over
  • from the bottom of one's heart
  • What can I say?
  • call on (someone)

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