
have one's druthers
to get one's choice
If I had my druthers, I would not go to the meeting this evening.

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  • have one's ear to the ground
  • have one's eye on (something)
  • have one's feet on the ground
  • have one's finger in too many pies
  • have one's hand in the till
  • have one's hands full with (someone or something)
  • have one's hands tied
  • have one's head in the clouds
  • have one's heart go out to (someone)
  • have one's heart in the right place
  • Idioms Quiz
  • in a sense
  • off balance
  • bring (something) into focus
  • look a gift horse in the mouth
  • over one's dead body
  • on the alert (for someone or something)
  • ten-four
  • on a shoestring
  • on one's best behavior
  • sever ties with (someone)

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    Vitamin : d (calciferol)
    Occurrence : cod-liver oil, liver, milk, yolk, butter, sea fish, herring, champignons, avocado
    Lack : bone curvature and softening, increased infection sensitivity, amyasthenia
    Daily need : approx. 5 mic g.      .. More >>
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