
late in the day
far along in a project or activity
We received a new marketing plan but it was late in the day and we could not change our plans.

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  • laugh (something) out of court
  • laugh all the way to the bank
  • laugh off (something) or laugh (something) off
  • laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
  • laugh up one's sleeve
  • launch forth (on something)
  • lay (someone) to rest
  • lay (something) on (someone)
  • lay (something) on the line
  • lay (something) to rest
  • Idioms Quiz
  • lash out (at someone)
  • wear out one's welcome
  • take (something) lying down
  • behind schedule
  • red herring
  • leave (someone) flat
  • throw oneself at/on the mercy of the court
  • put out (about/by/that something)
  • hush money
  • well-heeled

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