
misplace one's trust in (someone)
to put trust in someone who does not deserve it
The company misplaced their trust in the manager who caused them many legal problems.

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  • miss by a mile
  • miss out on (something)
  • miss the boat
  • miss the point
  • mistake (someone or something) for (someone or something) else
  • mix and match
  • mix it up
  • mix up (something) or mix (something) up
  • mixed up
  • moment of truth
  • Idioms Quiz
  • take part in (something)
  • tie up with (someone or something)
  • by any means
  • serve time
  • blow up in (someone's) face
  • a rule of thumb
  • get to the heart of (something)
  • win by a nose
  • like father, like son
  • pinch pennies

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