
put one's dibs on (something)
to lay a claim to something
I put my dibs on the most comfortable chair when I went to my friend's house.

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  • put one's finger on (something)
  • put one's foot down
  • put one's foot in one's mouth
  • put one's head on the block for (someone or something)
  • put one's mind to (something)
  • put one's money where one's mouth is
  • put one's nose to the grindstone
  • put one's own house in order
  • put one's shoulder to the wheel
  • put one's thinking cap on or put on one's thinking cap
  • Idioms Quiz
  • make a fast/quick buck
  • not on your life
  • at heart
  • have a feeling about (something)
  • cut the mustard
  • top (something) off or top off (something)
  • speak with a forked tongue
  • down the hatch
  • hold one's tongue
  • knock (someone or something) out or knock out (someone or something)

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