
read up on (someone or something)
to research and read about someone or something
I have been reading up on Egyptian history before our trip to Egypt this summer.

--- >>>
  • ready, willing, and able
  • real McCoy
  • rear its ugly head
  • receive (someone) with open arms
  • reckon with (someone or something)
  • recognize (someone or something) for what it/he/she is
  • reconcile oneself to (something)
  • red herring
  • red in the face
  • red tape
  • Idioms Quiz
  • tooth and nail
  • a Mecca for (something)
  • thumb through (something)
  • once in a blue moon
  • hand in hand
  • smack into (someone or something)
  • neither fish nor fowl
  • con (someone) out of (something)
  • cover for (someone)
  • avail oneself of (something)

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