
to whom it may concern
to the person to whom something applies
I do not know the name of the sales manager so I will address the letter, "to whom it may concern."

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  • to wit
  • toe the line
  • toe the mark
  • toing and froing (about something)
  • tone (something) down or tone down (something)
  • tongue-in-cheek
  • too bad
  • too big for one's boots
  • too big for one's britches
  • too clever by half
  • Idioms Quiz
  • monkey around (with someone or something)
  • lull (someone) into a false sense of security
  • life of Riley
  • put (something) down to (something)
  • leave (someone) flat
  • day-to-day
  • night on the town
  • pay one's debt to society
  • check in (at an airport)
  • put two and two together

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