
to wit
namely, that is to say
There were several important people at the dinner; to wit, the mayor, the city manager, and the chief financial officer of the city.

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  • toe the line
  • toe the mark
  • toing and froing (about something)
  • tone (something) down or tone down (something)
  • tongue-in-cheek
  • too bad
  • too big for one's boots
  • too big for one's britches
  • too clever by half
  • too close for comfort
  • Idioms Quiz
  • an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
  • break in (someone or something) or break (someone or something) in
  • as a rule
  • get the once-over
  • to the last
  • die down
  • on the block
  • turn off (someone) or turn (someone) off
  • tail between one's legs
  • make or break (someone)

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