Ordering of Sentences - Test-06

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: Just as some men like to play football or tennis, so some men like to climb mountains.
S6: You look down and see the whole country below you.

P: This is often very difficult to do, for mountains are not just big hills.
Q: Paths are usually very steep, and some mountain sides are straight up and down, so that it may take many hours to climb as little as one hundred feet.
R: There is always the danger that you may fall off and be killed or injured.
S: Men talk about conquering a mountain, and the wonderful feeling it is to reach the top of a mountain after climbing for hours and may be, even for days.

2. S1: Let me elaborate a little on what I mean by a properly channelled scientific approach.
S6: And of course, there are soldiers, commandos, to say nothing of intelligence men, besides many others who do their bit to make a successful attack.

P: There are planners deciding the strategy.
Q: In a major war, there are several different operations involved.
R: There are complex issues involving kations between different commun nerve centres.
S: There are factories producing the required armaments.

3. S1: The mother tongue is the true . vehicle of mother wit.
S6: A man's native speech is almost like his shadow, inseparable from his personality.

P: Another medium of speech may bring with it a current of new ideas.
Q: It is through the vernacular (refined, though not weakened, by scholarship and taste) that the new conceptions of the mind should press their way to birth in speech.
R: But the mother tongue is one with the air in which a man is born.
S: This is almost universally true, except in cases so rare (like that of Joseph Conrad) as to emphasise the general rule.

4. S1: Plastic containers are being used more and more to package soft drinks, milk, oil, fruit juices, ketchup, etc.
S6: Yet as plastics do not decompose by bacteria or naturally in the air, they are a big threat to the environment.

P: Most people think that this is the right thing to do, as it is economical.
Q: Plastic containers are cheap and light.
R: It is easier to transport materials packaged in them than in glass bottles.
S: They also involve theleast transport costs.

5. S1: Jawaharlal Nehru was born in Allahabad on 14 Nov., 1889.
S6: He died on 27 May, 1964.

P: Nehru met Mahatma Gandhi in February,1920.
Q: In 1905 he was sent to London to study at a school called Harrow.
R: He became the first Prime Minister of Independent India on 15 August, 1947.
S: He married Kamla Kaul in 1915.

6. S1: The city is almost a slum and stinks most of the time.
S6: But some visitors came away with the unforgettable sight of young labourers scantily clad.

P: The slush on the road did not deter them.
Q: The occasional slips and falls were considered a small price to pay for the trip.
R: They were excited, fascinated by the sight of fresh snow on the road.
S: Even so, it looked beautiful to tourists of various categories.

7. S1: When you meet someone and discover areas of common interest and experience, you gain building blocks to develop a deeper relationship.
S6: This creates a sense of familiarity and indicates your interest in discussing the topic further and sharing your ideas.

P: This gives you and your partner an opportunity to decide if you would like to get to know one another better.
Q: Remember, much of the point of conversation is to discuss different topics and experiences in order to find a common bond.
R: So, when you discover a connection, tell your partner right away.
S: If you have enough in common, then hopefully you will want to see each other again to share common interests.

8. S1: Of course, it is silly to try to overcome fears that keep us from destroying ourselves.
S6: The only fears you need to avoid are silly fears which prevent you from doing what you should do.

P: This is sensible.
Q: You wait until it is out of the way before crossing.
R: You need some fears to keep you from doing foolish things.
S: You are afraid of an automobile coming rapidly down the street you wish to cross.

9. S1: Primitive man was helpless and weak.
S6: Thday the knowledge gained from science has armed him with superhuman strength.

P: He conceived of some divinity behing this.
Q: As ages passed, he began to think and to investigate nature's mysteries.
R: He bowed down before natural phenomena.
S: The flash of lightning, the clap of thunder struck him with awe.

10. S1: India's non-alignment has not been an attitude of negative neutrality.
S6: This policy has been accepted, if not actually appreciated by the leading powers of the world.

P: In other words, it is not an aloofness from or indifference to other nations.
Q: Instead, it has been an attitude of constructive neutrality.
R: On the contrary, India has been taking a keen interest in all international developments.
S: India wants the goodwill of all nations and is hostile towards none.

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