General English Test - 10

General English Questions and Answers

1. Although technically his judgement was not according to the ________ of the law, most people thought the judge was right to let the man go free.

2. This kind of legislation is in existence to ________ the customer from worthless warranties.

3. You sometimes have to ________ very seriously whether to buy a second hand car which has no guarantee.

4. The main work has just been completed and all we have to do now is finish the paper ________ .

5. It's impossible to say exactly why I think that's the case. All I can say is that I ________ it in my bones.

6. We're expecting a visit from a French couple soon so I'll have to bone ________ on my French.

7. Her parents are very strict and frequently ________ down the law about the way she behaves.

8. Sometimes people don't bother about guarantees because the ________ of the manufacturer is enough for them.

9. We're going to the college tonight to hear Professor Kent ________ a paper on language learning on the net.

10. They came straight out with their complaint ________ no bones about it whatsoever.

English Test

1. General English Test - 11
2. General English Test - 12
3. General English Test - 13
4. General English Test - 14
5. General English Test - 15
6. General English Test - 16
7. General English Test - 17
8. General English Test - 18
9. General English Test - 19
10. General English Test - 20
11. General English Test - 21
12. General English Test - 22
13. General English Test - 23
14. General English Test - 24
15. General English Test - 25
16. General English Test - 26
17. General English Test - 27
18. General English Test - 28
19. General English Test - 29
20. General English Test - 30

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