General Elementary English Test - 48

General English : General Elementary English Questions and Answers

1. Nora asked the waiter to bring her a ________ after she had finished eating her dessert.

2. Laurie and Tom ________ for the coast on Monday morning.

3. I say to myself each morning I really ________ write that letter.

4. I know I ________ do it because I have done it before.

5. ________ I have your permission to leave the meeting early?

6. Steinbeck ________ a number of memorable novels and stories set in California.

7. Do you like sushi? No, I ________ .

8. My daughter woke up screaming in the middle of the night because she had a terrible ________ .

9. I haven't talked to Nicole recently. When ________ you talk to her last?

10. ________ you really help me? If so, I should be most grateful.

English Test

1. General Elementary English Test - 49
2. General Elementary English Test - 50
3. General Elementary English Test - 51
4. General Elementary English Test - 52
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6. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 02
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17. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 13
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19. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 15
20. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 16

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