Ordering of Sentences - Test-05

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: In the last. few years, there has been increasing realisation of the importance of fibrous diet.
S6: This has resulted in a better appreciation of the role of fibrous food in human health.

P: Its role in human nutrition was not fully understood.
Q: Plants contain indigestible substances in their cell- walls, and these contain fibre.
R: Later research has thrown light on many other ingredients that are not digested by man.
S: In the early days, people only knew that this fibre prevented constipation.

2. S1: Exercising daily is a must for good health.
S6: The key word, always, is moderation.

P: Luckily, there is no link between the amouni of money spent and beneficient exercise, else the poor would have creakiug bodies for ever.
Q: While some cost you nothing, others may require the investment of some amount of money.
R: However, it is important to -remember that exercises should not be overdone.
S: It can take any form from sedentary ones like walking to vigorous work - outs like a gameof squash.

3. S1: Mr. Ford, it is commonly reported, once declared that history was "bunk'.
S6: And the American's conception of his own country as the representative of freedom and of democracy is the product of history as popularly taught and conceived over there.

P: Yet the American, generally speaking, is by no means ignorant of history or uninfluenced by his knowledge of it.
Q: This remarkable utterance of his, if indeed he made it, was in itself an outcome of history.
R: The Americans know more about our history than we know about theirs, though I hope that will soon be remedied.
S: Such contempt for all things past, and such engaging frankness , in expressing it were themselves the outcome of the social history of the United States in the 19th century.

4. S1: Savita was lonely in the house.
S6: It was the only thing she had learnt from the Convent School.

P: She was very good at that.
Q: She sat all day in a little room off the main drawing room.
R: She would sit on the rug and do needle work.
S: It was a little room with nothing in it but a few chairs and a rug.

5. S1: Our own country is a little world in itself with an infinite variety and places for us to discover.
S6: I should like to go with them, not so much to the great cities of India as to the mountains and the forests and the great rivers and the old monuments, all of which tell us something of India's story.

P: I wish I had more time, so that I could visit the odd nooks and corners of India.
Q: I have travelled a great deal in this country and I have grown in years.
R: And yet I have not seen many parts of the country we love so much and seek to serve.
S: I would like to go there in the company of. bright young children whose minds are opening out with wonder and curiosity as they make new discoveries.

6. S1: This is the story of a tram that woke up at dead of night and went off on a trip all by itself to end in a disaster.
S6: As a result, when the power supply was restored in the early morning the tram began to move.

P: In the early morning of 19 January it suddenly started backing out of the depot on its own.
Q: Tramways sources explained that power supply to the overhead wires at the siding had been switched off for some repair work.
R: It went up a quarter mile away, crashed into state bus which caught fire when it smashed into an electric feeder box and a water tap.
S: There was presumably, some defect in the reversal handle of the tram and its main switch had not been put off.

7. S1: One of the most dangerous insect pests is the locust.
S6: At this stage, they gather in huge numbers and rise from the ground on their powerful wings in cloud.

P: At first they look just like ordinary grasshoppers, which are harmless and unable to fly very far.
Q: Until about thirty years ago, no one knew where locusts came from or why they appeared in the different countries they attacked.
R: Then they change in appearance and develop wings which enable them to fly long distances.
S: Then it was discovered that there are two stages in the life of locusts.

8. S1: In 1857, fighting broke out all over the country.
S6: The Rani's troops fought back bravely.

P: Everywhere the people rose in rebellion.
Q: In March 1858 British troops attacked the fort at Jhansi.
R: Thousands of people were killed on both sides.
S: The British fought back.

9. S1: Obesity is a curse of modem times.
S6: This is because today's changed life styles often mean less physical exertion and an over indulgence in unhealthy food.

P: As a result, what is lost is the natural goodness of roughage and important nutrients.
Q: Invariably, fat and sugar which cause obesity are added to make food more palatable.
R: In these days, food gets more refined and cooking methods are more intricate.
S: Therefore, there are more obese people today than ever before.

10. S1: The earliest reference to' the playing card has been found in China, as long ago, as the tenth century.
S6: The current pack of 52 cards was only regulated in the seventeenth century.

P: They appeared in Italy around 1320.
Q: Long before that the Chinese used paper money which was similar in design to the playing cards.
R: It is believed that perhaps travelling gypsies introduced them to Europe.
S: In olden days cards were used both for telling fortune and playing games.

English Test

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