Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-01

Spotting Errors in Sentence
Directions: In each of the questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error.

1. If you lose your passport (a) / in a foreign country (b) / it will effect you hardly. (c) / No error (d)

2. There is no doubt (a) / that the majority of workers (b) / is in favour of the proposal. (c) / No error (d)

3. The scientist must follow (a) / his hunches and his data (b) / wherever it may lead. (c) / No error (d)

4. I am much glad (a) / that you have (b) won the prize. (c) / No errror (d)

5. The Indian force (a) / drove away (b) the chinese. (c) / No error (d)

6. Gangotri has special significance (a) / for the devout (b) / as it is considered as (c) / the abode of King Bhagirath who brought the Ganga down to the earth. (d) /No error (e)

7. Sooner than he had arrived (a) / his friends arranged a reception (b) / in his honour in (c) / the best hotel in town. (d) /No error (e)

8. A high level meeting (a) / of officials is reporting (b) / to have discussed (c) / the issue in great detail. (d) / No error (e)

9. The demand of the workers' union (a) / that the dismissed employee (b) / to be reinstated, has (c) / been accepted by the management, (d) / No error (e)

10. The audience (a) / are requested (b) / to be in its seats. (c) / No error (d)

English Test

1. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-02
2. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-03
3. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-04
4. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-05
5. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-06
6. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-07
7. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-08
8. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-09
9. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-10
10. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-11
11. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-12
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16. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-02
17. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-03
18. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-04
19. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-05
20. Ordering of Sentences - Test-01

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