Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-05

Spotting Errors in Sentence
Directions: In each of the questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error.

1. There is nothing that does (a) / irTitate me more than seeing (b) / other people sitting about (c) / doing nothing when I am working. (d) / No error (e)

2. As he, had taken only a few sips (a) there was still little water (b) / left in the glass. (c) / No error (d)

3. Most of the people (a) / are afraid (b) / of snakes. (c) /No error (d)

4. For nearly half a century he lived in that village, (a) / sharing 'the joys and sorrows of the people there, (b) / but later he left the village and has not been heard of sinte. (c) / No error (d)

5. The road (a) / to famous monument (b) passes through a forest (c) / No error (d)

6. When I telephoned him (a) / the line was so bad (b) / that I cannot hear (c) / what he said. (d) / No error (e)

7. The warrior (a) / fell fi-om (b) his horse. (c) /No error (d)

8. Everyone expected (a) / the bold officer will face (b) / the situation with courage. (c) /No error (d)

9. Some people get (a) / used to changes (b) / very easily than (c) / others do. (d) No er1ror (e)

10. He took out the spare tyre (a) / and was very disappointed (b) / when he was discovered (c) / that this tyre was also punctured. (d) / No error (e)

English Test

1. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-06
2. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-07
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4. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-09
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7. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-12
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16. Ordering of Sentences - Test-01
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20. Ordering of Sentences - Test-05

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