Ordering of Sentences - Test-04

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: The right way to get people do things the way you want is not to compel them, drive them or for that matter even beg them or entreat them.
S6: The secret ofmotivation, therefore, lies in your ability to arouse the right kind of want or thirst in the other people.

P: The sure way to antagonise an individual is to give him the impression that you are out to force or compel him t;o do something.
Q: The correct way is, therefore, to arouse a want in them and make them do, whatever you want them to do willingly, happily and eagerly.
R: It is the most difficult thing in the world to make an individual do anything against his will.
S: Even young, innocent children resent being made to do things.

2. S1: I was awakened in the night by a noise in the house.
S6: As soon as they saw me standing there, they rushed to the window and jumped out.

P: I quickly put on my dressing gown and crept downstairs.
Q: In the living room I discovered two burglars breaking into my desk.
R: As I switched on the light I saw that it was 2 o'clock.
S: They were both tall, dark men.

3. S1: Life is hazardous.
S6: Everything points to a speciat kind of arms race with elaborate strategies and counter-strategies for attack and defence.

P: And prey have evolved adaptations that reduce the risk of being eaten.
Q: Many animals are killed and eaten by other animals.
R: And many predators die from starvation because they fail to secure prey.
S: Predators have continued to evolve adaptations that enable them to locate and kill prey.

4. S1: The press enables us to know about the world and happenings around us.
S6: While moulding it mends and mending it moulds the public opinion.

P: It governs the current ideas in the country and controls the course of events.
Q: There is no doubt that the newspaper is the only teacher of the common man.
R: It is indeed the mouthpiece of the people.
S: It is feared that in the absence of the press, government would be less responsible, the judge less honest and civil servant less efficient.

5. S1: There has been an alarming increase in the number of vehicles on Delhi roads.
S6: Should the pedestrians' case be allowed to go by default?

P: The pedestrian has, however, been the worst sufferer.
Q: There is -no place where the pedestrian can move freely without the fear of traffic.
R: Zebra crossings like the pavements are no longer safe.
S: This has further aggravated the problem of pollution in the city.

6. S1: Governments are instituted among men to secure their certain inalienable rights.
S6: Such was the necessity which constrained the united colonies of America to give up thier allegiance to the British Crown and declare themselves free and independent states.

P: Accordingly, men are more disposed to suffer than to right themselves by abolishing the forms of governments to which they are accustomed.
Q: But prudence will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.
R: They derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and therefore, can also be changed by them.
S: But whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these rights of the people, it is their duty to throw off such a government.

7. S1: Trucks, trains, planesand refrigerator ships are new ways of carrying food.
S6: And in a lonely bay, a fisherman still rows home with the day's catch.

P: In many countries, women carry food to market on their heads.
Q: High in the Andes Mountains long lines of Illamas, each with a heavy bag of grain, pick their way along rocky trails.
R: But a great deal of food is still carried on the heads of women and the backs of animals.
S: Over the desert sands, camels carry loads of salt, dates and cheese from one oasis to another.

8. S1: Work with retarded children, in particular, involves superhuman patience and long-delayed rewards.
S6: After five years, the girl finally began to smile, when her foster grandparents entered the room.

P: Another woman faithfully spent two hours a day, five days a week, with a bed-ridden retarded girl.
Q: It was three years before the, girl made her first cut in a piece of paper.
R: The girl had never before responded to, or recognised anyone.
S: One woman decided to teach a young brain - damaged girl how to use scissors.

9. S1: Evolution is not progress.
S6: For, like progress, evolution does, over the long run, imply betterment.

P: And yet, for all their differences, it is not wholly wrong to identify evolution with progress.
Q: As a noted scientist had said, "the tapeworm in its inglorious lot in man's intestine is an outcome of evolution as well as the lark at heaven's gate."
R: Three hundred million years after the first land creatures crawled out of the sea, the one-called amoeba is man himself.
S: The physical facts of evolution betray such. advance.

10. S1: The coming of the computer sparked the need for remotely operatecl controls.
S6: The code is based on binary digits.

P: It is silicon chip that is at the heart of the remote control.
Q: This produces an infra-red beam, which is made up of electromagnetic waves.
R: When you press the button on the remote control, the chip sets off an electronic vibration.
S: The beam carries a coded signal such as switch on, raise volume, etc.

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