Ordering of Sentences - Test-04

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: There were no finger prints anywhere.
S6: These conclusions made the detectives think that it was a fake theft.

P: First of all it was impossible even for a child to enter through the hole in the roof.
Q: When the investigators tried to reconstruct the crime, they came up against facts.
R: Moreover, when the detectives tried to push a silver vase, it was found to be. double the size of the hole.
S: Again, the size of the hole was examined by the experts who said that nothing had been passed through it.

2. S1: There was a time Egypt faced economic crisis.
S6: Egypt was able to sustain itself by its cotton produce.

P: Cotton is the chief export commodity 9f Egypt.
Q: Foreign trade depends on cultivation of cotton on large scale.
R: It became necessary for Egypt to boost cotton crops.
S: Only by means of increasing foreign trade Egypt could survive.

3. S1: A small pool in the rocks outside my cottage in the Mussoorie hills provides me endless delight.
S6: It did and then, looking up, saw me and leapt across the ravine to disappear into the forest.

P: I stood very still, anxious that it should drink its fill.
Q: And once I saw a barking deer, head lowered at the edge of the pool.
R: Water beetles paddle the surface, while tiny fish lurk in the shallows.
S: Sometimes a spotted fork - tail bird comes to drink, hopping delicately from rock to rock.

4. S1: No one knows when tea was first discovered, or how it came to be such a popular drink.
S6: It was called Cha's Ching, which, translated, means Tea Scripture.

P: By the eighth century A.D. most Chinese were drinking tea, both because they liked it as a beverage and for its medicinal value.
Q: Tea was so popular that one of the most distinguished poets of the T'ang dynasty, a man called Lu Yu, even wrote a holy scripture about it.
R: The beverage is generally accepted to have originated in China hundreds of years ago.
S: Records going back to the fourth century A.D. refer to tea.

5. S1: We talk about democracy, but when it comes to any particular thing, we prefer a man belonging to our caste and community.
S6: Favouritism and nepotism have been responsible for much discontent in our country.

P: We must be in a position to respect a man as a man.
Q: It means our democracy is a phoney kind of democracy.
R: We must extend opportunities of development to those who deserve them.
S: Our weakness for our own caste and community should not influence our decision.

6. S1: It was early 1943 and the war in the East was going disastrously.
S6: Boarding Party, James Leasor's latest best - seller is a record of this tale of heroics tinged with irony and humour.

P: How this unlikely bunch of middle aged civilians accomplished their missions makes fascinating reading.
Q: To stop the sinkings a spy ring had to be broken, a German ship assaulted, and a secret radio transmitter silenced.
R: U-boats were torpedoing Allied ships in the Indian ocean faster ~han they could be replaced.
S: And the only people who could do the job were a handful of British businessmen in Calcutta-all men not called out for active service.

7. S1: Proverbs contain homely but universal truths.
S6: They are everyman's philosophy.

P: They point out the incongruities of situations in life.
Q: Naturally, therefore, they are translatable from one language to another.
R: Therefore, their appeal is direct.
S: Many of them had their birth in folk literature.

8. S1: Work with retarded children, in particular, involves superhuman patience and long-delayed rewards.
S6: After five years, the girl finally began to smile, when her foster grandparents entered the room.

P: Another woman faithfully spent two hours a day, five days a week, with a bed-ridden retarded girl.
Q: It was three years before the, girl made her first cut in a piece of paper.
R: The girl had never before responded to, or recognised anyone.
S: One woman decided to teach a young brain - damaged girl how to use scissors.

9. S1: There has been an alarming increase in the number of vehicles on Delhi roads.
S6: Should the pedestrians' case be allowed to go by default?

P: The pedestrian has, however, been the worst sufferer.
Q: There is -no place where the pedestrian can move freely without the fear of traffic.
R: Zebra crossings like the pavements are no longer safe.
S: This has further aggravated the problem of pollution in the city.

10. S1: Evolution is not progress.
S6: For, like progress, evolution does, over the long run, imply betterment.

P: And yet, for all their differences, it is not wholly wrong to identify evolution with progress.
Q: As a noted scientist had said, "the tapeworm in its inglorious lot in man's intestine is an outcome of evolution as well as the lark at heaven's gate."
R: Three hundred million years after the first land creatures crawled out of the sea, the one-called amoeba is man himself.
S: The physical facts of evolution betray such. advance.

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