Ordering of Sentences - Test-04

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: But how does a new word get into the dictionary?
S6: He sorts them according to their grammatical function, and carefully 'writes a definition.

P: When a new dictionary is being edited, a lexicographer collects all the alphabetically arTange(,' citation slips for a particular word.
Q: The dictionary makers notice it and. make a note of it on a citation slip. i
R: The moment a new word is coined, it usually enters the spoken language.
S: The word then passes from the realm of hearing to the realm of writing.

2. S1: The fifty seven storey Wool-worth Tbwer is in New York.
S6: A new champion is the Empire State Building which rises 102 storeys into the sky.

P: Soon it became one of the famous buildings in the world.
Q: It was completed in 1912.
R: Americans took pride in this tall skyscraper.
S: However, it was not long before five other buildings topped the Woolworth Tower.

3. S1: It is true that we cannot bring about social equality by law and that therefore there are still inequalities in Indian society.
S6: The secular state as found in India, recognises the importance of religion to the individual by giving hi ' in freedom to practice it and tell others about it, within the limits of the Constitution.

P: In the United States of America, for instance, Negroes have equal rights under the Constitution but unfortunately these rights are not always given to them freely by the White majority.
Q: It takes time for people to change their way of thinking.
R: This is a problem common to many countries.
S: It is only when we realise that social equality means not only that men are equal before the law, but also equal in the eyes of God that we can begin to have a completely casteless society.

4. S1: Life is hazardous.
S6: Everything points to a speciat kind of arms race with elaborate strategies and counter-strategies for attack and defence.

P: And prey have evolved adaptations that reduce the risk of being eaten.
Q: Many animals are killed and eaten by other animals.
R: And many predators die from starvation because they fail to secure prey.
S: Predators have continued to evolve adaptations that enable them to locate and kill prey.

5. S1: There were no finger prints anywhere.
S6: These conclusions made the detectives think that it was a fake theft.

P: First of all it was impossible even for a child to enter through the hole in the roof.
Q: When the investigators tried to reconstruct the crime, they came up against facts.
R: Moreover, when the detectives tried to push a silver vase, it was found to be. double the size of the hole.
S: Again, the size of the hole was examined by the experts who said that nothing had been passed through it.

6. S1: As a dramatist Rabindranath was not what might be called a success.
S6: Therefore, drama forms the essential part of the traditional Indian culture.

P: His dramas were moulded more on the lines of the traditional Indian village dramas than the dramas of the modern world.
Q: His plays were more a catalogue of ideas than a vehicle of the expression of action.
R: Actually drama has always been the life of the Indian people, as it deals with legends of gods and goddesses.
S: Although in his short stories and novels he was able to create living and well - defined characters, he did not seem to be able to do so in his dramas.

7. S1: Evolution is not progress.
S6: For, like progress, evolution does, over the long run, imply betterment.

P: And yet, for all their differences, it is not wholly wrong to identify evolution with progress.
Q: As a noted scientist had said, "the tapeworm in its inglorious lot in man's intestine is an outcome of evolution as well as the lark at heaven's gate."
R: Three hundred million years after the first land creatures crawled out of the sea, the one-called amoeba is man himself.
S: The physical facts of evolution betray such. advance.

8. S1: As I say, I was born and brought up in an Atmosphere of the confluence of three movements, all of which were revolutionary.
S6: He should not only have his own seeds but prepare his own soil.

P: I was born in a family which had to live its own life, which led me from my young days to seek guidance for my own self expression in my own inner standard of judgement.
Q: No poet should borrow his medium ready-made from some shop of respectability.
R: But the language which belonged to the people had to be modulated according to the urging which I as an individual had.
S: The medium of expression, doubtless, was my mother tongue.

9. S1: The press enables us to know about the world and happenings around us.
S6: While moulding it mends and mending it moulds the public opinion.

P: It governs the current ideas in the country and controls the course of events.
Q: There is no doubt that the newspaper is the only teacher of the common man.
R: It is indeed the mouthpiece of the people.
S: It is feared that in the absence of the press, government would be less responsible, the judge less honest and civil servant less efficient.

10. S1: Proverbs contain homely but universal truths.
S6: They are everyman's philosophy.

P: They point out the incongruities of situations in life.
Q: Naturally, therefore, they are translatable from one language to another.
R: Therefore, their appeal is direct.
S: Many of them had their birth in folk literature.

English Test

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