Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-04

Ordering of Words in a Sentence
Directions: In the following items some parts of the sentence have been jumbled up. You are required to re-arrange these parts that are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.

1. I read an advertisement that said
(P) posh, air conditioned
(Q) gentlemen of taste
(R) are available for
(S) fully furnished rooms

2. (P) when the artist had started
(Q) singing a popular song
(R) in chorus
(S) everyone in the audience joined

3. (1) A political decision or policy
(P) ifjudged by its immediate results,
(Q) in the light of its '
(R) may seem to be very wise
(S) but may prove to be unsound
(6) ultimate consequences

4. The invasion of India
(P)is more interesting than any other episode of early Indian history
(Q)to most European readers
(R)by Alexander the Great of Macedonia
(S) which occurred during the rule of the Nandas

5. Only
(P) to make himself
(Q) by shouting at the top of his voice
(R) was he able
(S) heard

6. (1) Though the Govt. claims
(P) it has failed to arrest
(Q) the rate of inflation is down
(R) or the decrease
(S) the rise in prices
(6) in the per capita income

7. (P) The management having agreed
(Q) the workers called off the strike
(R) to increase their wages
(S) and returned to work

8. (1) At the end of the lecture
(P) for sparing their valuable time
(Q) the speaker thanked the audience
(R) and listening to him
(S) in coming to the meeting
(6) patiently

9. Recently,
(P)containing memorable letters of Churchill
(Q) a book
(R) has been published
(S) by a reputed puslisher

10. As a youth
(P) extravagant clotheg and adopting
(Q) he was a dandy
(R) melodramatic Byronic poses
(S) who delighted in wearing

English Test

1. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-05
2. Ordering of Sentences - Test-01
3. Ordering of Sentences - Test-02
4. Ordering of Sentences - Test-03
5. Ordering of Sentences - Test-04
6. Ordering of Sentences - Test-05
7. Ordering of Sentences - Test-06
8. Sentence Completion - Test-01
9. Sentence Completion - Test-02
10. Sentence Completion - Test-03
11. Sentence Completion - Test-04
12. Sentence Completion - Test-05
13. Sentence Completion - Test-06
14. General Elementary English Test - 01
15. General Elementary English Test - 02
16. General Elementary English Test - 03
17. General Elementary English Test - 04
18. General Elementary English Test - 05
19. General Elementary English Test - 06
20. General Elementary English Test - 07

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