Ordering of Sentences - Test-01

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: Welcome to Madam Tussaud's.
S6: These life-like, casually posed figures are mere wax statues, though they may look alive.

P: Famous faces, notorious faces haunt these halls; royalty, and world leaders mingling with sports stars and murderers.
Q: But don't expect a~ y responses to your smilesor greetings.
R: Don't be surprised at anything you see here.
S: See how many you can recognise.

2. S1: American private lives may seem shallow.
S6: This would not happen in China, he said.

P: Students would walk away with books they had not paid for.
Q: A Chinese journalist commented on a curious institution: the library.
R: Their public morality, however, impressed visitors.
S: But in general they returned them.

3. S1: There was once a Persian king called Shahryar who had a beautiful wife.
S6: After one day's marriage he would cut off her head and marry again.

P: When. the King discovered this he killed her.
Q: He gave orders that he was to be provided with a new wife every day
R: He loved her very much, but she was a wicked woman.
S: He decided that all women were wicked and that he would punish them.

4. S1: He could not rise.
S6: It was colder than usual.

P: All at once, in the distance, he heard an elephant trumpet.
Q: He tried again with all his might, but to no use.
R: The next,moment he was on his feet.
S: He stepped into the river.

5. S1: The commonest form of forgetfulness, I suppose, occurs in the matter of posting letters.
S6: Weary of holding it in my hand, I then put it for safety into one of my pockets and forget all about it.

P: So common is it that I am always reluctant to trust a departing visitor to post an important letter.
Q: As for myself, anyone who asks me to post a letter is a poor judge of character.
R: Even if I carry the letter in my hand I am always past the first pillar box before I remember that I ought to have posted it.
S: So little I rely on his mem?,ry that I put him on his oath before handing the letter to him.

6. S1: When Weiner was travelling in India, he visited a factory where he saw small frail children sitting on damp ground.
S6: Recently he has published this book and it is winning him acclaim all over the world.

P: And the answer he got was that they were weaving carpets there.
Q: So he asked, "What are they doing there?"
R: And then he decided to study the problems of child labourers in India.
S: Weiner was shocked at the plight of the child workers.

7. S1: He took two cigarettes from my case.
S6: Then he continued to draw on it.

P: But when the fit of coughing was over, he replaced it between his lips.
Q: He lit one of them and placed it between the lips.
R: Then with a feeble hand he removed the cigarette.
S: Slowly he took a pull at it and coughed violently.

8. S1: Even the newsmen and spectators were not spared.
S6: He fell down, his bleeding eye bulging.

P: A homeguard in the gallery was hit on the face.
Q: They went only inches over the heads of newsmen in the press gallery.
R: Three bludgeons which are hurled missed their mark.
S: This made the scribes run helter - skelter.

9. S1: Go to the library and see the clerk.
S6: He stamps the books with a date.

P: When you have chosen the books you wish to take home, you take them to the clerk with the tickets.
Q: You will probably have to sign a form promising to take care of the books.
R: Then you are usually given two or three tickets with your name and address on them.
S: The clerk keeps the tickets until you return the books.

10. S1: The mail is first collected from different letter boxes.
S6: Finally it is delivered to us.

P: From there it is sent to the head post office.
Q: It is then sorted out at the sorting office.
R: The mail is again sorted out at the head office by the concerned beat postman.
S: The sorted mail is sent to the zonal post office.

English Test

1. Ordering of Sentences - Test-02
2. Ordering of Sentences - Test-03
3. Ordering of Sentences - Test-04
4. Ordering of Sentences - Test-05
5. Ordering of Sentences - Test-06
6. Sentence Completion - Test-01
7. Sentence Completion - Test-02
8. Sentence Completion - Test-03
9. Sentence Completion - Test-04
10. Sentence Completion - Test-05
11. Sentence Completion - Test-06
12. General Elementary English Test - 01
13. General Elementary English Test - 02
14. General Elementary English Test - 03
15. General Elementary English Test - 04
16. General Elementary English Test - 05
17. General Elementary English Test - 06
18. General Elementary English Test - 07
19. General Elementary English Test - 08
20. General Elementary English Test - 09

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