Ordering of Sentences - Test-01

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: He took two cigarettes from my case.
S6: Then he continued to draw on it.

P: But when the fit of coughing was over, he replaced it between his lips.
Q: He lit one of them and placed it between the lips.
R: Then with a feeble hand he removed the cigarette.
S: Slowly he took a pull at it and coughed violently.

2. S1: Yawning or its absence has been related to various clinical conditions.
S6: It is in reality a releasing stimulus.

P: Interestingly, some clinicians claim that those with acute physical illness don't yawn until they are on the road to recovery.
Q: It can be a symptom of brain lesions, haemorrhage, motion sickness and encephalitis.
R: But what is currently known about yawning is essentially anecdotal, mostly because the yawn has not got the respect it deserves.
S: On the other hand, it has been reported that psychotics rarely yawn, except those suffering from brain damage.

3. S1: The commonest form of forgetfulness, I suppose, occurs in the matter of posting letters.
S6: Weary of holding it in my hand, I then put it for safety into one of my pockets and forget all about it.

P: So common is it that I am always reluctant to trust a departing visitor to post an important letter.
Q: As for myself, anyone who asks me to post a letter is a poor judge of character.
R: Even if I carry the letter in my hand I am always past the first pillar box before I remember that I ought to have posted it.
S: So little I rely on his mem?,ry that I put him on his oath before handing the letter to him.

4. S1: A transformation of consciousness is now beginning to express itself in the field of theoretical architecture.
S6: The relationship between culture and nature is changed, for the architect grows a house like a garden.

P: In the still theoretical structure an attempt is being made to create a house that is "a domestication of an ecosystem."
Q: What is happening in the architecture is a shift from the international style of the post industrial era to a symbolic structure.
R: Since architecture is the collective unconscious made visible, the architect does not himself always understand the full cultural implications of his own work.
S: The new form is not a celebration of power over new materials, but a celebration of cooperation with ecosystem.

5. S1: She used to work at the desk next to mine in the office several years ago.
S6: I am glad that their demands have been accepted.

P: But it must have been exasperating that a male sitting beside her was 'doing the same work as she was and being paid more.
Q: She is certain to be still there, in the same old brown suit and fur lined boots.
R: She was as kind as she was efficient.
S: Now she and all her friends have won their long campaign for the justice of equal pay to be recognised.

6. S1: When a boy grows into a young man, he finds himself in a new and strange world.
S6: At this stage of his life he is like a body, without a soul, an eye without light or a Rower without fragrance.

P: The relationship remains but its nature changes.
Q: The emotional ties that he had with them are now loosened.
R: The old pattern of his life in which his parents were the nucleus around which his life revolved now undergoes a change.
S: He finds in himself an emotional void which he must somehow fill.

7. S1: The mail is first collected from different letter boxes.
S6: Finally it is delivered to us.

P: From there it is sent to the head post office.
Q: It is then sorted out at the sorting office.
R: The mail is again sorted out at the head office by the concerned beat postman.
S: The sorted mail is sent to the zonal post office.

8. S1: Growing up means not only getting larger, but also using our senses and our brains to become more aware of the things around us.
S6: In other words, we must develop and use our ability to reason, because the destruction or the preservation of the places in which we live depends on us.

P: Not only does he have a memory but he is able to think and reason.
Q: In this, man differs from all other animals.
R: Before we spray our roadside plants or turn sewage into our rivers, we should pause to think what the results of our actions are likely to be.
S: That is to say, he is able to plan what he is going to do in the light of his experience before he does it.

9. S1: Nobody likes staying at home on a public holiday- especially if the weather is fine.
S6: It was very peaceful in the cool grass-until we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill.

P: We had brought plenty of food with us and we got it out of the car.
Q: The only difficulty was that millions of other people had the same idea.
R: Now everything was ready so we sat down near a path at the foot of a hill.
S: We moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, but at last we came to a quiet country road and, after sometime, stopped at a lonely farm.

10. S1: There have been many myths about women in world literature.
S6: He filled his rower's ears with wax and had himself bound to the mast so that he could hear the sweet singing without diving overboard to his death.

P: Odysseus found a way to save himself and his sailors from this evil fate.
Q: The sirens were beautiful maidens whose songs enchanted sailors on the seas.
R: Odysseus's encounter with the sirens during his return home after the fall of Troy is typical of this.
S: Their songs were so captivating that the sailors swam towards them and died miserable deaths.

English Test

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15. General Elementary English Test - 04
16. General Elementary English Test - 05
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