Ordering of Sentences - Test-02

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: In the eighteenth century people expected most of their children to die before they were grown up.
S6: There is no obvious limit to the improvement of health that cail be brought about by medicine.

P: Improvement began at the beginning of the nineteenth century, chiefly owing to vaccination.
Q: The general death rate in 1948 (10.8) was the lowest ever recorded upto that date.
R: In 1920 the infant mortality in England and Wales was 80 per thousand, in 1948 it was 34 per thousand.
S: It has continued ever since and is still continuing.

2. S1: This year many States have been badly affected by the drought situation prevailing in the country.
S6: Either way, it seems the lot of the Indian farmer to be at the mercy of the elements.

P: No better is the situation elsewhere, where floods have ravaged the standing crop.
Q: Though some have been less affected, even these are facing an uphill task in managing the situation.
R: Especially pitiable is the plight of the poor farmer who cannot offord a tubewell to irrigate his land.
S: Here the predicament is more equitable, for everybody's land is similarly submerged under ten feet of water.

3. S1: The motor car is one of the useful gifts of modern science.
S6: Finally in this age of energy crisis a personal car is an expensive thing.

P: One of these is the smoke and pollution that it creates.
Q: It has made short and medium distance journeys , fast and comfortable.
R: The other is that it has made journey by road hazardous.
S: Yet we can't say that a motor car is a blessing W ithout disadvantages.

4. S1: A farmer was taking the grain to the mill in sacks.
S6: But the farmer saw that he was none other than the nobleman.

P: It was too heavy for him to lift.
Q: On the way the horse stumbled, and one of the sacks fell to the ground.
R: Presently he saw a rider coming towards him.
S: He stood waiting till he found somebody to help him.

5. S1: Helen Keller has an ageless quality about her in keeping with her amazing life story.
S6: She believes the blind should live and work with their fellows, with full responsibility.

P: Although warmed by this human reaction, she has no wish to be set aside from the rest of mankind.
Q: She is an inspiration to both blind and the seeing everywhere.
R: When she visited Japan after World War II, boys and girls from remote villages ran to her, crying "Helen Keller".
S: Blind, deaf and mute from early childhood, she rose above her triple handicap to become one of the best known characters in the modem world.

6. S1: The exact cause of migraine is still not known.
S6: On the other handphysical overexertion, fatigue, irregularities in dietary habits, prolonged eye strain are common precipitating factors.

P: Several factors like digestive disorders and psychological disturbances, have been said to be causative factors.
Q: Certain foods like cheese, chocolate or red wine have also been found to trigger off an attack.
R: The causative factors are numerous : psychologically, anxiety and frustration play an important part.
S: It seems to be hereditary and a majority of sufferers are women.

7. S1: Have you ever thought of the ways in which birds are useful to man?
S6: Finally, birds and their eggs form an important part of man's food.

P: Again, there are some birds that help us to keep our surroundings clean by removing dead animals and decaying matter.
Q: A bird eats hundreds of insects every day, and thus helps to limit the insect population of the world.
R: Their service to man is to check the growth of insects.
S: Another service done by birds to man is to kill. animals like rats and squirrels which destroy the farmers' crops.

8. S1: Kabir knew that Ramananda got up very early in the morning and went down on the steps of the 'ghat'to bathe in the waters of the sacred Ganges.
S6: He said, "You have given me the mantra, 'Ram, Ram,' I have become your disciple".

P: As Ramananda came down the steps before daybreak for his usual bath, he trod on the sleeping man.
Q: Kabir at once jumped up and threw himself at the feet of the preacher.
R: "Ram, Ram", he exclaimed in astonishment.
S: One dark night, Kabir went to the 'ghat' and lay down on one of the river steps.

9. S1: Always remember that regular and frequent practice is essential ifyou are to learn to write well.
S6: If you keep your eyes and ears open, you will find plenty of things 'to write about around you to be able to discipline yourself to write.

P: Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare.
Q: Writing is 99 percent hard work and one percent inspiration, so the sooner you get into the habit of writing, the better.
R: It is no good waiting until you have an inspiration before you write.
S: You learn to write by writing.

10. S1: We must also understand that the fruits of labour are sweeter than the gifts of fortune.
S6: The best life, therefore, is lived both in thought and deed.

P: Moreover, too much of thinking is also a disease.
Q: Indeed, thought and action can be separately analysed but can never be separated from each other.
R: Hence, thought to be complete demands action and action without thought also has no value.
S: It keeps us depressed and gloomy.

English Test

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