Ordering of Sentences - Test-02

Ordering of Sentences
Directions:In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

1. S1: Machines have parts made of iron.
S6: When the machine is not in use it should be covered.

P: They must be painted or chrome plated.
Q: Some parts rub against each other.
R: Iron gets rusted.
S: They must be lubricated with oil or grease.

2. S1: The exact cause of migraine is still not known.
S6: On the other handphysical overexertion, fatigue, irregularities in dietary habits, prolonged eye strain are common precipitating factors.

P: Several factors like digestive disorders and psychological disturbances, have been said to be causative factors.
Q: Certain foods like cheese, chocolate or red wine have also been found to trigger off an attack.
R: The causative factors are numerous : psychologically, anxiety and frustration play an important part.
S: It seems to be hereditary and a majority of sufferers are women.

3. S1: You live either in a village or a town of India.
S6: India is our motherland.

P: Many villages and towns form a tehsil or a taluka.
Q: There are also some areas in our country called Union Territories.
R: Many tehsils or talukas form a district and many districts form a State.
S: These, together with all the states of our country make India.

4. S1: We and all other animals breathe in and breathe out air all the time.
S6: It is a part of the earth.

P: If we stop breathing, we die.
Q: It is because of this fact that we are able to live.
R: It is called the atmosphere.
S: All parts of the earth are surTounded by air.

5. S1: But Mr. Ford was by no means the inventor of mass production.
S6: When one huge machine began to perform rapidly due operations previously done slowly by hand, the age of mass production was bom.

P: It is difficult, indeed, to say who was.
Q: Brilliant men perfected cotton gins and looms.
R: The inventibn of the steam-engine gave manufacturers the cheap power they needed.
S: When the first large mills for the manufacture of cloth were built, mass production began.

6. S1: In the eighteenth century people expected most of their children to die before they were grown up.
S6: There is no obvious limit to the improvement of health that cail be brought about by medicine.

P: Improvement began at the beginning of the nineteenth century, chiefly owing to vaccination.
Q: The general death rate in 1948 (10.8) was the lowest ever recorded upto that date.
R: In 1920 the infant mortality in England and Wales was 80 per thousand, in 1948 it was 34 per thousand.
S: It has continued ever since and is still continuing.

7. S1: When you leave your house, concentrate your mind on a subject.
S6: It is idle to pretend that your mind is incapable of concentration.

P: Bring the mind back by the scruff of the neck.
Q: You can not by any chance fail if you persevere.
R: Before you have reached the station you will have brought it back about 40 times.
S: You will not have gone ten yards before your mind has skipped away under your very eyes and is playing round the corner with another subject.

8. S1: I also demand adventure for myself
S6: The satisfaction of adventure is something much more solid than a thrill.

P: As a physiologist I can try experiments on myself
Q: Life without danger would be like life without mustard.
R: Love of adventure does not mean love of thrills.
S: I can also participate in wars and revolutions of which I approve.

9. S1: Always remember that regular and frequent practice is essential ifyou are to learn to write well.
S6: If you keep your eyes and ears open, you will find plenty of things 'to write about around you to be able to discipline yourself to write.

P: Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare.
Q: Writing is 99 percent hard work and one percent inspiration, so the sooner you get into the habit of writing, the better.
R: It is no good waiting until you have an inspiration before you write.
S: You learn to write by writing.

10. S1: In the middle of one side of the square sits the Chairman of the committee, the most important person in the room.
S6: From the moment its members meet, it begins to have a sort nebulous life of its own.

P: For a committee is not just a mere collection of individuals.
Q: On him rests much of the responsibility for the success or failure of the committee.
R: While this is happening we have an opportunity to get the 'feel' of this committee.
S: As the meeting opens, he runs briskly through a number of formalities.

English Test

1. Ordering of Sentences - Test-03
2. Ordering of Sentences - Test-04
3. Ordering of Sentences - Test-05
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12. General Elementary English Test - 02
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