Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-15

Spotting Errors in Sentence
Directions: In each of the questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error.

1. Just before the race (a) I asked him (b) / whom he thought (c) was going to win. (d) / No error (e)

2. My brother has (a) / and is still doing (b) / excellent work for his organisation. (c) /No error (d)

3. I going there (a) / will not solve (b) / this complicated problem. (c) / No error (d)

4. This town isn't very well known (a) / and there isn't much to see, (b) / so a few tourists come here. (c) / No error (d)

5. When your father inquired (a) / about your marks (b) / you lied to him. (c) Have you not ? (d) / No error (e)

6. It is not easy for anyone to command (a) / respect from both one's ftiends as well as critics (b) / as Dr. Johnson did for his integrity and honesty. (c) /No error (d)

7. The tried travellers were bundled off (a) / to the nearby cop house (b) / till anyone could come (c) / and vouch for their credentials. (d) / No error (e)

8. Although we arb free (a) / for the last forty five years or so, (b) / yet we continue to be economically backwar& (c) /No error (d)

9. He signed (a) / upon (b) / the application form. (c) / No error (d)

10. Bacteria is probably (a) / the mos~ common form (b) / of life on earth. (c) No error (d)

English Test

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18. General Elementary English Test - 01
19. General Elementary English Test - 02
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