Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-03

Spotting Errors in Sentence
Directions: In each of the questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error.

1. This article was (a) / prepared by (b) / their own expense. (c) / No error (d)

2. The chief idea of (a) / very common type of traveller (b) / is to see as many (c) / objects of interest as he possibly could. (d) /No error (e)

3. A man who always (a) / connives on the faults (b) / of his children (c) / is their worst enemy. (d) / No error (e)

4. She is going (a) / to her aunt (b) / for the weekend (c) / and after to Bombay. (d) No error (e)

5. It proves (a) / year after year (b) / that when it comes into judging new writing (c) / we are on slippery ground. (d) / No error (e)

6. My uncle fi-equently goes to abroad (a) / on business (b) / by air. (c) / No error (d)

7. He is known in the office (a) / only by his first name (b) / and no one knows (c) his family name. (d) / No error (e)

8. For young Donald, (a) / peace in Vietnam (b) / was almost terrible as war. (c) /No error (d)

9. Hardly had the children (a) / left the school (b) / than it began to rain. (c) / No error (d)

10. Whatever work (a) / that which you undertake (b) / put your best efforts (c) / in it. (d) / No error (e)

English Test

1. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-04
2. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-05
3. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-06
4. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-07
5. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-08
6. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-09
7. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-10
8. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-11
9. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-12
10. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-13
11. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-14
12. Spotting Errors in Sentence - Test-15
13. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-01
14. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-02
15. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-03
16. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-04
17. Ordering of Words in a Sentence - Test-05
18. Ordering of Sentences - Test-01
19. Ordering of Sentences - Test-02
20. Ordering of Sentences - Test-03

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