Prepositions - By
Prepositions - By
1. By indicates an actor, instrument, or cause
Pattern: be + past participle + by + noun
The work was done by a carpenter.
The mark was made by a hammer.
The damage was caused by the storm.
2. By means following the boundary of something; along
They walked by the side of the road.
3. By indicates a method or way.
Pattern: verb + (noun) + by + noun
She made a little money by begging.
We sent the letter by air mail.
They went to the mountains by Route 66.
4. By can mean according to a form, period of time, packaging, weight, number, or amount
Pattern: verb + (noun) + by + the + noun
He makes his decisions by the rules.
She charges by the hour.
We buy eggs by the dozen.
Typical nouns after by the: day, hour, month, week job, piece
bag, barrel, box, bucket, bushel, cup, drop, gallon, ounce, pint, pound, quart, ream, tablespoonful, teaspoonful
5. By can mean not later than.
You must be here by six A.M. sharp.
I'm worried; they should have arrived by now.
by the time—when
By the time you get up, I'll be in New York.
6. By means near or next to.
His desk is by mine.
I hope you will stay by me.
7. By indicates multiplication, division, and square measurement.
We multiplied four by three. (4 x 3 = 12)
They divided ten by two. (10 + 2 = 5)
That room measures ten feet by twelve feet. It measures 120 square feet.
Prepositions - About
Prepositions - Above
Prepositions - Across
Prepositions - After
Prepositions - Against
Prepositions - Ahead Of
Prepositions - Along
Prepositions - Among
Prepositions - Around
Prepositions - As
Prepositions - At
Prepositions - Back to/Back From
Prepositions - Before
Prepositions - Behind
Prepositions - Below
Prepositions - Beneath
Prepositions - Beside
Prepositions - Besides
Prepositions - Between
Prepositions - Beyond
Prepositions - But
Prepositions - By
Prepositions - Close To
Prepositions - Despite/In Spite Of
Prepositions - Down
Prepositions - During
Prepositions - Except
Prepositions - Far From
Prepositions - For
Prepositions - From
Prepositions - In
Prepositions - In Back Of
Prepositions - In Front Of
Prepositions - Inside
Prepositions - Instead Of
Prepositions - Into
Prepositions - Like
Prepositions - Near
Prepositions - Next To
Prepositions - Of
Prepositions - Off
Prepositions - On
Prepositions - On Top Of
Prepositions - Onto
Prepositions - Opposite
Prepositions - Out
Prepositions - Outside
Prepositions - Over
Prepositions - Past
Prepositions - Through
Prepositions - Throughout
Prepositions - To
Prepositions - Toward
Prepositions - Towards
Prepositions - Under
Prepositions - Underneath
Prepositions - Until
Prepositions - Up
Prepositions - With
Prepositions - Within
Prepositions - Without
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