Prepositions - Through
Prepositions - Through
1. Through indicates passage within something.
Pattern: verb + through + noun
The children drank their milkshakes through straws.
The highway was closed, and we had to come through the city.
Typical nouns used after through:
funnel, passage, pipe, straw, tunnel a place—building, city, country, park, state, town
2. Through can indicate a gateway orobstacle between two places.
Pattern 1: verb + through + noun
We came through the front door.
He drove through the red light and got a ticket.
Typical nouns:
barricade, barrier, curtains, customs, door, entrance, gate, hole, intersection, light, slot, stop sign, window
Pattern 2: verb + noun + through + noun
The mail carrier pushed the letters through the slot.
Typical verbs used before through:
bring, carry, force, pull, push, receive, send, take
3. Through can indicate vision beyond something.
Pattern: see/show + through + noun
The window is so dirty that I can't see through it.
The tablecloth needs a liner; the table legs show through it.
Typical nouns used after through:
clouds, fabric, fog, glass, smoke, window
to see through somebody—to detect insincerity
That woman pretends to be nice, but I can see right through her.
4. Through can indicate the parts beginning, between, and including.
Pattern: from + noun + through + noun
They have to work from Monday through Friday.
Please read from chapter one through chapter four.
5. Through can mean finish something that requires effort.
Pattern 1: verb + through + noun
I have to get through school before I can get married.
Typical verbs used before through:
get, go, live, struggle, suffer
Typical nouns after through:
school, training, work
Prepositions - About
Prepositions - Above
Prepositions - Across
Prepositions - After
Prepositions - Against
Prepositions - Ahead Of
Prepositions - Along
Prepositions - Among
Prepositions - Around
Prepositions - As
Prepositions - At
Prepositions - Back to/Back From
Prepositions - Before
Prepositions - Behind
Prepositions - Below
Prepositions - Beneath
Prepositions - Beside
Prepositions - Besides
Prepositions - Between
Prepositions - Beyond
Prepositions - But
Prepositions - By
Prepositions - Close To
Prepositions - Despite/In Spite Of
Prepositions - Down
Prepositions - During
Prepositions - Except
Prepositions - Far From
Prepositions - For
Prepositions - From
Prepositions - In
Prepositions - In Back Of
Prepositions - In Front Of
Prepositions - Inside
Prepositions - Instead Of
Prepositions - Into
Prepositions - Like
Prepositions - Near
Prepositions - Next To
Prepositions - Of
Prepositions - Off
Prepositions - On
Prepositions - On Top Of
Prepositions - Onto
Prepositions - Opposite
Prepositions - Out
Prepositions - Outside
Prepositions - Over
Prepositions - Past
Prepositions - Through
Prepositions - Throughout
Prepositions - To
Prepositions - Toward
Prepositions - Towards
Prepositions - Under
Prepositions - Underneath
Prepositions - Until
Prepositions - Up
Prepositions - With
Prepositions - Within
Prepositions - Without
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